Задать вопрос
31 августа, 04:13

Составьте предложения в наст. вр.

I Am going to ride a bike

My friend Is going to wear warm

My sister Are going to walk

My brother going to stay at home

My friend and i going to wear warm clothes

going to make a snowman

going to watch TV

going to wear a warm sweater

going to ski

It will snow, it will freeze, there will be frost, it will be windy, it will be rainy, there'll be a storm, it will melt

Ответы (1)
  1. 31 августа, 04:32
    I am ride a bike

    My friend is wear warm

    My sister is walking

    My brother stay at home

    My friend and Me are wear warm clothes

    I making a snowman

    I watching TV

    I am wear a warm sweater

    I am skiing

    It's snow

    It's freeze

    It's frost

    It's windy

    It's rainy

    It's storm

    It's melt
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