Задать вопрос
22 ноября, 06:07

Буду благодарна.

Открыть скобки.

1. The plane from Chicago (to arrive) at 10 a. m.

2. "United Airlines flight 23 from Washington" (to land) 2 hours ago.

3. The flight attendant (to check) his boarding in two minutes.

4. We (to look) the hotel two weeks ago.

5. It is announced that it (to be) a gate change.

6. You (to get) an oppourtunity to go to London in a few months.

7. The next Monday we (to be) in Morocco.

8. Few last days we (to spend) in thr most comfortable hotel.

9. We (to go) on a trep in Summer.

10. I (to like) travelling very much.

Ответы (1)
  1. 22 ноября, 08:03
    1. arrives

    2. landed

    3. has checked

    4. looked

    5. is

    6. will get

    7. will be

    8. spent

    9. will go

    10. lika
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