Задать вопрос
12 ноября, 17:13

Complete the sentences with the noun form (-ing) of the verbs in the box. play an instrument, have a party, watch films, use the internet, play jokes, take photos

1 ... on TV at home with my friends is great fun.

2. The best way to enjoy your birthday is ... with all your friends.

3 ... in the school band is a good way to make new friends.

4 ... of all the new places is a good way to remember your holiday.

5 ... on your friends can make them laugh or make them very angry.

6 ... on an old, slow computer isn't a good idea

Ответы (1)
  1. 12 ноября, 18:39
    1. Watching films

    2. having a party

    3. playing in instrument

    4. taking photos

    5. playing jokes

    6. using the internet
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