Задать вопрос
17 августа, 05:55

7. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в соответствующем времени Simple or Continuous. Сделайте задание письменно.

1. My father ... (to work) with computers. 2. He ... (to plan) to finish his research in a year. 3. Children in England usually ... (to start) school at the age of five. 4. I ... (to remember) her telephone number very quickly. 5. Yesterday in the morning I was away. I ... (to take) exam. 6. Robert Koch ... (to discover) tuberculous bacilli. 7. You cannot speak to the Head of the department. He ... (to deliver) a lecture. 8. Next year students ... (to learn) microbiology. 9. We ... (to wait) for the doctor. 10. After finishing school some of my friends ... (to enter) the medical university. 11. Our teacher ... (o speak) two foreign languages. 12. He is very busy now. He ... (to make) an experiment in the laboratory.

Ответы (1)
  1. 17 августа, 06:09
    1. My father (works) with computers. 2. He (is planning) to finish his research in a year. 3. Children in England usually (start) school at the age of five. 4. I (remembered) her telephone number very quickly. 5. Yesterday in the morning I was away. I (was taking) exam. 6. Robert Koch (discovered) tuberculous bacilli. 7. You cannot speak to the Head of the department. He (is delivering) a lecture. 8. Next year students (will learn) microbiology. 9. We (are waiting) for the doctor. 10. After finishing school some of my friends (entered) the medical university. 11. Our teacher (speaks) two foreign languages. 12. He is very busy now. He (is making) an experiment in the laboratory.
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